1. They go the
extra mile.
People who achieve big things in life invest extra effort,
thought, and creativity into everything they do, no matter how big or small.
2. They take
risks and are willing to fail.
Failure is not the enemy of successful people – it’s a
necessary ally. In fact, if they don’t
go through enough failure in their lives they understand they’re not taking
enough risks.’
3. Luck is
Successful people don’t wait around for luck to bless them –
they go out and create their own opportunities with hard work, smart planning,
and persistence.
4. They have a
Mega high achievers have an overall goal or dream that
always seems audacious, unrealistic, and out of reach…until they reach it. They keep this big dream in mind at all
5. They set
small, realistic goals.
Even though they dream big, successful people break the path
to that dream into smaller, manageable goals.
They focus 100% on the goal in front of them; cross it off once they
reach it, and set the next goal.
6. They take
People who go far in life understand that by assuming accountability for their actions they empower themselves. They never try to pass the buck or dodge
blame – they’re happy to take responsibility, fix the problem, and move on.
7. Their
thinking is flexible.
Successful people have firm values but flexible thinking,
adjusting their sails depending on how they wind blows. They make constant changes to adjust to their
ever-changing environment.
8. They
communicate effectively.
They communicate efficiently with simple, clear, and concise
messages. This also includes active
listening skills – a vastly undervalued skill.
9. They
surround themselves with the right people.
Successful people don’t fill their lives with negative,
complaining, or distracting people.
10. They network.
Other than working hard, networking might be the most
important practice for mega success. As
the saying goes – your network is your net worth. I still think they should teach classes on
networking in high school and college!
11. They are self-aware.
People who accomplish great things in life are confident but
not cocky, have a good assessment of their own strengths and weaknesses, and
have a high-self worth while still remaining humble.
12. They create
instead of consume.
This is fascinating – instead of just amassing and
worshipping material things, successful people always have the impetus to
create something themselves, whether it’s a new business, building a house, or
forming a non-profit. Creation is one of
the processes held in highest esteem by high achievers.
13. They work
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed
in overalls and looks like work.” - Thomas A. Edison
14. They’re
curios and eager to learn.
Learning and being inquisitive is a lifelong journey for
successful people, and they invest in themselves by reading, going to training
workshops, and seeking out mentors.
15. They stay
Successful people stay calm, balanced, and keep a healthy
perspective in their lives. This
demeanor - not getting too high or too low - is so important once challenges, adversity, and stress
come their way.
16. They live in
the present moment.
They key to success- and happiness – is to always be fully
present and immersed in the moment.
17. They’re
Successful people suffer the same setbacks and
disappointments as the rest of us – if not many more – but they understand that
their success is earned by bouncing back.
“Fall seven times, get up eight,” as the old saying goes.
18. They want to
improve on the status quo.
Successful people don’t accept the world as it is – they
endeavor to change it for the better.
19. They have a
positive relationship with time.
Time stops for no man or woman, but successful people use
time to their advantage instead of squandering it or letting it pass them
by. They schedule, plan, and prioritize
their way to a “routine of ascension.”

They’re perpetually optimistic, enthusiastic, and never give
up their positive attitudes.
21. They stay
focused on one task.
Psychological studies conclude that multi-tasking is a myth
because the human brain can only fully focus on one thing at a time. Successful people know this and don’t try to
juggle – they fully engage with one task and when they complete that, only then
do they move on.
22. They have
energy and physical stamina.
This trait is usually forgotten, but successful people work
long hours and expend incredible amounts of energy day after day for the long
haul. So they take care of their health
by exercising, eating right, and adopting healthy habits that keep their energy
23. They don’t
shy from conflict.
Instead of being people pleasers and avoiding conflict, they
understand it’s a healthy and necessary function of growth. They aren’t combative or aggressive, but firm
and assertive and willing to hash it out when needed.
24. They gladly put aside their ego.
Successful people want to be on the best team possible. They always want to surround themselves with
the smartest and best people without seeing this as an affront to their own
25. They’re
sensitive to others.
They say the hallmark of genius is that they can consider
two opposing viewpoints at the same time.
Leaders and succeeders can do the same with people, having empathy for
others by adopting their viewpoints.
26. They’re
Of course ambition and drive are common traits of successful
people, but more than just amassing wealth, they want to build something bigger
than themselves and make lasting changes that help people.
27. They look for
The desired outcome or goal is always in mind to keep them
focused and guide them as they work.
Instead of getting hung up on the minutiae of the process, they’re
constantly focused on the target.
28. They have
specific training, knowledge, skills, and talents.
Instead of just being generalists, high achievers invest in
the education or training to become the best at one single thing.
29. They stop and
smell the roses.
No matter how busy they are, successful people schedule time
off to spend time with their families, see friends, exercise, unwind, and have
30. They have fun!
Through all that hard work, discipline, and achievement,
successful people always have fun. They
embrace that it’s all about enjoying the journey, not the destination.